On the eve of Stranger Things Season 4 Part 2, your favorite graphic tee brand Goat Crew will be dropping a brand new Stranger Things collection dedicated to the The Hawkins High "Hellfire Club".
"The Hellfire Club" is Hawkins Highs offical Dungeon and Dragons club. Eddie Munson, previously seen in our most recent collection, is the head of the Hellfire Club. With a lot of speculation and rumours around what will happen to Eddie, fans can only speculate for now. I personally think hes going to save the day! But hey, I didnt write Stranger Things.
After the success of the Eddie Tee Metal Tee, the team have decided to restock it and add some brand new Hellfire Club tees to the collection. Not only that, Goat Crew have decided to place the famous Metal Tee graphics on one of our premium hoodie blanks too.
The most exciting aspect of the Metal Tee is the scene hasnt even happened yet! But has been teased in the Netlfix Trailer for Part 2. The fans are even saying this scene could be one of the most critical moments in the entire series! But thats only speculation.

Hellfire Club Tee and Hoodie
This Tee and Hoodie is dedicated to the ultimate Hawkins High "Hellfire Club" fan, featuring the Dungeons and Dragons club emblem on the frontal, finished off with Goat Crew's iconic acid vintage wash.
With the range due to release this Friday, there is no better time to show the world you are the #1 Stranger Things fan! So get Ready and shop today.