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Claude Beats ChatGPT in AI Rankings Of Top Chatbots fold icon

Claude Beats ChatGPT in AI Rankings Of Top Chatbots

The boom of AI has given brith to multiple wars. On one side, global governments and regulators are fighting a war to control the development of AI. The other side is filled with AI rivalry between bi

US & UK Govt. Agree To Work On AI Safety Together

Owing to rising concerns about AI safety, the US and UK governments joined forces to take collective action. This transa...

US & UK Govt. Agree To Work On AI Safety Together
AI Investments In Mexico Surge By US Tech Giants

According to recent reports, AI investments have rapidly grown in Mexico to curb the reliance on China and Asia-imported...

AI Investments In Mexico Surge By US Tech Giants
New York City May Deploy Gun Monitoring AI In Public Places

New York City subways are long due for a technology makeover, which might be completed this year. According to a CBS new...

New York City May Deploy Gun Monitoring AI In Public Places
Google Integrates Bitcoin Into Its Search Engine Index

While the general public wouldn’t have noticed, the accessibility of cryptocurrency-related content on Google was ...

Google Integrates Bitcoin Into Its Search Engine Index

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